This Call for Expressions of Interest is open to local governments from large communities (population greater than 25, 000) across B.C. who are interested in learning more and enhancing their capacity to work with community partners in taking collaborative action to build healthier communities. PlanH offers a range of workshops to suit a variety of community contexts and needs, and brings trainers and facilitators to your community to deliver learning events.
A limited number of learning events will be provided across the province between November 2014-June 2015, to be selected through this Call for Expressions of Interest. For information on learning events for smaller communities (population less than 25,000), please click here.
On behalf of PlanH, BC Healthy Communities Society (BCHC) will provide workshop planning, design and facilitation of the learning events outlined below for selected communities. Participating communities are expected to assist with workshop planning, marketing, providing a venue, and catering. Please note that PlanH does not provide direct funding to communities for these learning events.
Who Can Apply?
Local or regional governments for communities/regions with a population of more than 25,000 are invited to submit an Expression of Interest for any of the available workshops or learning events.
For the Building Collective Impact for Healthier Communities workshop only, the local host may be a community organization provided that local and/or regional governments are involved and playing a key role in the collaborative.
Interested communities must:
- Demonstrate that there is support or partnership within the community (including coordination to avoid multiple applications from the same community);
- Demonstrate local need for the learning event; and
- Articulate anticipated outcomes for the learning event.
How to Apply
Click here to submit your Expression of Interest online
Click here for a fillable or printable PDF form
EOI must be received by June 27th, 2014
PlanH Workshop Topics:
Healthy Communities: Health is Everyone’s Business |
This workshop provides an introduction to healthy communities and explores how local policy, planning and leadership can impact health outcomes. It focuses on identifying local health priorities and opportunities for shared leadership. Through this workshop participants will:
From Silos to Systems: Building Partnerships for Healthy Communities |
This workshop supports multi-sector collaboration to build healthier communities, and the development or implementation of partnerships between local governments, health authorities and community partners. It focuses on identifying areas of shared interest and the unique assets different sectors can contribute to collaborative partnerships. Through this workshop, participants will learn about:
Building Collective Impact for Healthier Communities |
This workshop is for multi-sector community roundtables, collaboratives, or coalitions who are ready to take the next step in working together to define and work towards a common agenda that addresses population-level change on a complex challenge facing their communities or region. Through this workshop, participants will:
Bringing Health Home: Public Engagement for Local Action on Health & Well-Being |
This workshop explores how public engagement is critical in achieving health and well-being outcomes in local policy and planning. It introduces tools, techniques and methods for meaningful engagement to build healthier communities. Through this workshop, participants will explore:
“Dialogue to Action” on a Specific Healthy Communities Topic (TBD) |
This workshop supports learning and action planning on a specific healthy communities topic which has been prioritized by local communities (e.g., food security, active transportation, health and sustainability). It brings stakeholders together to learn more about the local context and opportunities to take action related to the topic. Through this workshop, participants will:
Making the Links, Making it Happen: Planning Together for Sustainability, Health & Well-being |
This workshop brings local and regional governments, health sector representatives and community partners together to learn about why and how communities can integrate sustainability planning, processes and projects with efforts to foster community health and well-being. Drawing on inspiring examples, local case studies and practical tools, participants will:
Please note: As part of BC Healthy Communities Society’s PlanH Program, the workshop host must be a local or regional government, however, we encourage the participation and involvement of other health sector and community partners in the workshop.
Click here to submit your Expression of Interest online
Click here for a fillable or printable PDF form