Healthy Communities Capacity Building Fund: Round Two

A group of École Robb Road Elementary students actively travel to and from school via bicycle
Round two of the Healthy Communities Capacity Building fund offered two streams of funding for activities that supported partnership development and collaborative action between local governments and health authorities, and other community partners.

Stream 1: Learn and Connect provided funds to 38 local governments to engage in the development of healthy community partnerships across sectors, to learn about conditions that support health and well-being, to identify and plan for local health and well-being priorities, and to develop opportunities and leadership for action.

Stream 2: Innovate provided funds to support eleven local governments in the undertaking of leading-edge, collaborative action to address local conditions that influence health and well-being.

We are very excited to be supporting such a great range of projects. A full list of all the projects funded can be found here. To learn about some of the great work that is happening around the province, check out the PlanH News.

Information for Applicants

We love hearing about your project and sharing the great work that is happening in communities. We’ve developed some communication guidance to help you tell the story of your work. You can also share your pictures or stories with us on Twitter or Facebook with the hashtag #CommunityStartsHere. Or you can connect with us via phone (250 952 9177) or email


We now provide an online final report. Forms for both streams are located here:

Grantees must fill out final reports by September 15th, 2015. If you have any questions or require the final report in another format contact:

Past mid-point forms can be accessed below:

For more information about the Healthy Communities Capacity Building Grants, contact us here.


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