New PlanH Video: How Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Hope are Making Healthy Choices Easier for Kids

Our latest PlanH short video showcases the amazing work being done in Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Hope around ensuring that all children have a chance to form healthy habits early in life. These three communities are using a community-based participatory approach and common consistent messaging to for kids to make the healthy choice the easier choice around healthy eating and physical activity.

Research has shown that it takes a whole-systems, community-based, participatory approach to create conditions for healthier community environments for children and families. Community partners in all three cities have engaged around the ‘Live 5-2-1-0’ intiative created by the SCOPE project. Live 5-2-1-0 promotes a simple, easy to remember health message for kids and families: each day kids should aim to get at least five servings of vegetables and fruits, minimal screen time, at least one hour of active play, and zero sugary drinks.

Learn more and find the video here

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