Date(s) - October 7, 2014 - October 9, 2014
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Where: Songhees Wellness Centre at 1100 Admirals Road, Victoria, BC
The Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) Workshop offers a unique opportunity to gather together experienced planners and those who are brand new to planning to share knowledge, experience, tools and stories. It is the place to build friendships, make new connections and reconnect with old friends. Comprehensive Community Planning has assisted many BC First Nations in incorporating culture and a holistic approach to achieve their community’s vision and goals for the future. The 2014 CCP Workshop will bring together First Nations who are involved in CCP to provide practical experience on how to get started and keep up momentum in implementing their plan. Capacity building and First Nation to First Nation learning are anchoring principles of the workshop.
Who Should Attend:
- First Nation CCP Champions who are driving the CCP process and want to build their skills
- Chief and Council who want to build a community based vision for their Nation
- First Nation planners who are working within a Nation to lead planning
- Band Managers
For accomodation, registration, or display details, please check out this event poster. You can also join their Facebook group CCP: BC First Nations.
For more information, please contact: or call Carla (604-775-7214) or Colette (604-775-7110).