Fraser Healthy Communities Forum

Date(s) - March 10, 2016
12:00 am - 11:45 pm

Healthy Communities: Moving Upstream for Greater Impact

Host: Fraser Health

Location: University of Fraser Valley

Contact: Rosalyn Oraas at

Fraser Health is pleased to invite mayors, councillors, municipal and health leaders, municipal staff, school district representatives and community partners to be part of an exciting day focused on collaborative action for healthy communities. This event will highlight Healthier Community Partnerships successes throughout the region, and provide inspiration and practical tools for addressing key health and well-being challenges. Join us to:

EXPLORE new and innovative work being done in Fraser Health communities and other jurisdictions.
LEARN more about three specific focus areas recognized to be of particular relevance to our communities; mental health, social connectedness, and healthy transportation.
SHARE the successes and challenges of working collaboratively on complex community health and well-being issues in the Fraser Health region.
CONNECT with others to share innovative ideas and resources.
IDENTIFY how your Healthier Community Partnership can move work further upstream and be more innovative for even greater impact.


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