Enhancing Social Connectedness for Healthier Communities Webinar

Date(s) - June 22, 2015
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Recording will be available on planh.ca after the event

Due to a high number of registrations, we are currently taking a waitlist for this webinar. The recording is now available.

Host: BC Healthy Communities
Location: Online
Contact: 250-387-4470

PlanH is pleased to announce the upcoming release of our new action guide for local governments, entitled “Local Government Action Guide: Social Connectedness.”  To launch this new resource and to learn more about this important topic, please join us for a free online learning and dialogue session for local governments, health authorities and community partners interested in building healthy communities by cultivating social connectedness and belonging.


  • Milton Friesen – Program Director of Social Cities and a Senior Fellow, Cardus
  • Louise Roberts Taylor – Manager of Community & Neighbourhood Services, City of Kelowna
  • Stacy Barter – Learning & Engagement Specialist, BC Healthy Communities Society and Facilitator, Building Resilient Neighbourhoods Project

To read the speakers’ bios, please click here.


A sense of belonging, connectedness and engagement in the places and spaces that matter to us is critical to our physical and mental health and well-being. People who feel included in their communities, connected to their social networks and engaged in community life have better health outcomes and are more likely to care about and contribute to the future of their community. Moreover, communities that are more socially connected are more resilient — they are better at withstanding and adapting to change and disturbances.

Join our panel of researchers, local government staff and practitioners for this online learning and dialogue opportunity to explore local opportunities and challenges to building stronger social connectedness.


  • EXPLORE why social connectedness is important to our health and well-being. 
  • IDENTIFY the role local governments (through planning, policy, partnership, programs) play in addressing social connectedness and belonging.
  • DISCOVER examples of how communities are taking action to increase social connections. 
  • DIALOGUE with BC local governments, health authorities and community organizations about some the challenges and opportunities to address this issue. 


  • Local government elected officials
  • Local government staff
  • Health authority staff
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Community organizations

To register, please CLICK HERE.





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