2019 BC Land Summit

Date(s) - May 8, 2019 - May 11, 2019
9:00 am - 4:45 pm

Held every five years, the BC Land Summit is the premier collaborative conference providing interdisciplinary education, professional development, training and networking opportunities for professional practitioners in fields related to land and land-use in British Columbia.

This years event is full of rich, diverse and interdisciplinary content related to land and land-use. The program features a range of diverse elements, including: inspiring keynote speakers, engaging hands-on workshops, informative panel presentations & breakout sessions, mobile workshop tours ‘in the field’, and more. A range of professional networking events and opportunities further enhance the BC Land Summit program.Held every five years, the BC Land Summit is the premier collaborative conference providing interdisciplinary education, professional development, training and networking opportunities for professional practitioners in fields related to land and land-use in British Columbia.

For more details and to see the the 2019 BC Land Summit program, click here. Register now to join us in Vancouver May 8th -10th. 




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