The World Health Organization's International Healthy Cities Conference 2018

Date(s) - October 1, 2018 - October 5, 2018
9:00 am - 4:45 pm

The World Health Organizations 2018 International Healthy Cities Conference, Changing Cities to Change the World, marks thirty years of the Network and the global Healthy Cities movement. The Conference, which takes place every five years, presents the opportunity to learn from the work of healthy cities globally. 

BC Healthy Communities Program Manager, Victoria Barr, and Research and Impact Specialist, Diana Gresku, will be presenting at the conference. Their presentation will include a full case study focused on the experience of developing the PlanH Evaluation Framework.

The framework synthesizes insights from our partners, findings from an international environmental scan on healthy cities, and theoretical concepts from the literature. The framework highlights the challenges of developing a set of indicators to measure the impacts of healthy communities work. The final framework includes relevant outcomes and measures of success for community health outcomes. 

The conference will provide a wealth of examples of pioneering initiatives; opportunities for learning, knowledge exchange and collaboration; and ideas and solutions to take home and apply to local challenges. Thousands of cities worldwide are part of the Healthy Cities movement, and their diversity is one of the movement’s greatest strengths. The Conference offers the chance for cities to engage with their counterparts from all over the world, and to benefit from the experience that the Network has to offer.

For the full program overview and list of speakers, visit the WHO’s Conference site here.

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