Broadway Plan Youth Engagement Workshop

Date(s) - March 22, 2021
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Join the City of Vancouver for a virtual youth workshop on the Broadway Plan Emerging Directions!

About this Event

Langara College, CityStudio and the City of Vancouver are teaming up to host the Broadway Plan’s Gen Z Workshop. This is your opportunity to shape the future of Vancouver’s second downtown! This virtual workshop will provide a dedicated space for young people between the ages of 18 and 30 to share their thoughts on the latest Broadway Plan “Emerging Directions,” including housing, transportation, Broadway as a “Great Street,” jobs and economy, and more.

Broadway Plan

In March 2019, the City of Vancouver launched multi-phase planning process to create a comprehensive Broadway Plan to integrate opportunities for new housing, jobs and amenities around the new Broadway Subway. The plan will guide future growth, change and public benefits within the Broadway Plan study area.

Emerging Directions

This phase of engagement focuses on the Broadway Plan Emerging Directions. The emerging directions are shaped by the community values we heard through Phase 1 engagement and the Broadway Plan Guiding Principles endorsed by Council, as well as city-wide objectives from other plans and strategies. Following this phase of engagement, public and stakeholder feedback will help inform refinements to the emerging directions, as well as the draft Broadway Plan that will be developed over the coming months.

Everyone who is interested is encouraged to attend. The event is not limited to residents of the Broadway Plan study area.

For more details on the Broadway Plan and information on how to get involved, visit

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