Upstream Action on Food Insecurity: a Curated List

Upstream Action on Food Insecurity: a Curated List

Food insecurity is the inadequate or insufficient access to food due to financial constraints. It is a concept closely linked to household income – the lower the household income, the higher the risk of food insecurity. As there are physical, mental, and social...
Bicycling: Health Risk or Benefit?

Bicycling: Health Risk or Benefit?

Communities across BC are motivated to promote cycling as a mode of transportation.  The motivations for these changes are multifaceted. At the municipal level, they include the impossibility of managing traffic congestion via increased roadways, green city strategies...
Vital Signs Sport and Belonging

Vital Signs Sport and Belonging

How can sport attract and include more of us to play, volunteer and cheer — and help us feel like we belong? How can sport and recreation help the 35% of Canadians who find it difficult to make new friends? From healthier and more meaningful lives; safer, more...
Cycling in Cities: Preferred Route types

Cycling in Cities: Preferred Route types

UBC researchers used an Opinion Survey to determine which route types and what other factors motivate or deter cycling. The survey used a web or mailed questionnaire to ask 1,402 adults in Metro Vancouver (Canada) about 16 routes types and 73 other factors that might...
Cycling in Cities: Injury Risk and Route Infrastructure

Cycling in Cities: Injury Risk and Route Infrastructure

This study examined the association between bicyclists’ injuries and the cycling environment (e.g., route types, intersection types). The study took place in Toronto and Vancouver between May 2008 and November 2009. The participants were adults injured while bicycling...
Vancouver Foundation Vital Signs Report – 2016

Vancouver Foundation Vital Signs Report – 2016

Find out what people across the province of British Columbia think about the place they call home. Vancouver Foundation’s 2016 Vital Signs is their first provincial report, produced in partnership with Community Foundations across British Columbia. The Foundation was...
Six Strategies to accelerate Change in the Built Environment

Six Strategies to accelerate Change in the Built Environment

This report: Building Change – Towards Sustainable Communities in BC – provides an overview of the state of sustainable built environments in BC using the work by the Real Estate Foundation of BC (REFBC) as a research focus. In 2015, the Real Estate...
Resilient Streets Toolkit

Resilient Streets Toolkit

The Resilient Streets Toolkit includes information about resilience, different types of practical actions that small groups can take, examples of successful projects that people have done in their buildings or on their streets, information about supports that can be...