Health Impact Assessment Download [PDF] This Health Impact Assessment Resource supports local and Indigenous government staff, as well as public health professionals, to implement a Healthy Communities approach to planning and evaluating local projects, policies and...
PlanH Community Supports Customized tools, resources, and services Evaluation & Monitoring Processes Engagement Strategies Multi-sector collaboration and partnership development Cross-sector-stakeholder identification and convening Since 2012, the PlanH...
Oliver Edible Pathways Custom Evaluation Framework Custom Logic Model Creation After receiving a PlanH Creating Healthy Places grant, the Town of Oliver also received in-kind services from BC Healthy Communities to incorporate customized evaluation tactics into their...
PlanH Action Guides Customized tools & resources Research and Literature Review Integrated health, planning, and equity lenses BC Healthy Communities has published 7 Action Guides (and more on the way!) as a part of the PlanH program created in 2012. These guides...