(This story and video is courtesy on the BC Food Security Gateway – originally published November, 2016 Video: Local Foods to School: Reconnecting the Children of Haida Gwaii to Their Food and Their Land from Transposition Films on Vimeo. A ten year journey in a...
Vancouver’s The Greenest City Fund supports projects that help work towards Vancouver becoming the greenest city in the world by 2020. Since 2012, they’ve funded about $2 million to over 600 projects in partnership with the Vancouver Foundation, including...
We are pleased to announce the winners of our Seeding Healthy Communities photo contest! Congratulations to the municipality of Bowen Island and Courtenay’s Lush Valley Food Action Society for their wonderful winning photos. These PlanH Community...
This PlanH short video showcases the powerful work being done on the City of Vancouver’s ‘A Healthy City For All’ strategy – an integrated, multi-sectoral approach to collaboration towards a healthier city. The initiative includes 13 goals, with...
Our latest PlanH short video showcases the amazing work being done in Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Hope around ensuring that all children have a chance to form healthy habits early in life. These three communities are using a community-based participatory approach and...
This PlanH short video showcases the amazing work being done in Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Hope to ensure that all children have a chance to form healthy habits early in life. These three communities are using a community-based participatory approach and common...
We are pleased to present our latest PlanH short video. This time, we are highlighting the powerful work being done on the City of Vancouver’s ‘A Healthy City For All’ strategy, an integrated, multi-sectoral approach to collaboration towards a healthier city....
Island Health is looking to partner with local government, community organizations and Aboriginal communities through their Community Wellness Granting Program. The program is available to groups doing work related to population health and health and wellness, and is...
The aim of Nelson at its best is to help residents, businesses and community leaders develop a long-term strategy to reduce poverty and make their community the best place it can be.