Is your community physically literate?

Is your community physically literate?

Just like reading and writing, children have to learn to move. Communities across Canada have expressed a growing interest in the Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L) movement, which is developing physical literacy and improving the quality of sport for everyone. With a...
Hub for Active School Travel

Hub for Active School Travel

HASTe was a hub for groups taking action on reducing school transportation emissions, linking active living with green living. HASTe shut down in 2020, but many of its resources are still available through the archived version of its website.
Walk BC Initiative

Walk BC Initiative

Step by step tools and resources to a healthier life. ­– BC Recreation and Parks Association
Physical Activity Strategy

Physical Activity Strategy

BCHLA recommends and provides resources for a number of physical activity strategies. – BC Healthy Living Alliance (BCHLA)
Templates for Shared-Use Agreements

Templates for Shared-Use Agreements

Template agreements for school districts and local governments seeking to increase use of school district amenities for recreation. – BC Schools Protection Program