The Healthy Built Environment Alliance (HBEA) is a voluntary alliance of organizations from a wide variety of sectors across BC which provides leadership and action for healthier, more livable communities. The purpose of HBEA is to: Bring together the public health...
New resources on the healthy built environment are now available! The collection is harvested from a series of learning opportunities for health professionals on the healthy built environment that took place between 2015 and 2016. The learning events were initiated...
Making the Connections is a short video and visual exhibit that walks us through some of the social factors that have a significant impact on our health: income, housing, education, food, neighbourhood, sense of community, race and racism and access to health care. It...
The Provincial Nutrition Resource Inventory is a collection of provincial healthy eating and nutrition related resources. The Inventory was created by registered dietitians from the B.C. Ministry of Health and representatives from the B.C. Health Authorities to help...
The HungerCount report presents results from an annual study of more than 4,000 food banks and other food programs in every province and territory In March 2015, 852,137 people received food from a food bank in Canada. More than one-third of those helped were...
A guide to building food security in rural communities. This handbook is geared for rural and remote regions interested in creating a program to enable or increase food security in their communities. Its goal is to help guide those of you wishing to do this work,...
A toolkit with different ideas for how local government and others can promote enjoyment of fruits and vegetables in remote communities including preservation, gardening, and others. – BC Ministry of Health
Age-friendly and disability-friendly OCPs can make it easier for seniors and people with disabilities and health and activity limitations (including mobility, visual, hearing and cognitive impairments and mental health challenges) to move around their communities and...
The presence of caring relationships in schools — the heart of school connectedness — is increasingly recognized as a vital component of successful schools. The research is strong and consistent; students who feel connected to school do better academically and are...