Looking out for tomorrow: Cranbrook plans for future Age-friendly needs

Looking out for tomorrow: Cranbrook plans for future Age-friendly needs

The City of Cranbrook is taking steps to ensure that the city is ready to meet the needs of her demographic, which is projected to make up 41% of Cranbrook’s population by 2035. The city has recently released their Age-friendly Community Action Plan, a document which will help the city set priorities and lay out the next steps towards ensuring the city is safe and welcoming for older adults.

A place to call home: Working towards a housing solution for older adults in Lytton

A place to call home: Working towards a housing solution for older adults in Lytton

As older adults age-in-place, they require not only continued access to local services, community, culture, and family but also a place where they are safe, one that they can call home. Thanks to funding from the Age-friendly Communities Grant Program, the Village of Lytton has moved forward on a Housing Needs and Demands Study, with the goal of ensuring seniors and elders have the support they need to live to the fullest.

Communities across B.C. release Vital Signs reports

Communities across the province are releasing Vital Signs reports in recognition of Vital Signs Week 2019, which ran from September 30 to October 5.  Vital Signs is led by community foundations across the country, with more than 65 organizations taking part...
Healthy Community Engagement Action Guide released

Healthy Community Engagement Action Guide released

We’re excited to announce the release of our Healthy Community Engagement Action Guide! Community engagement is a process, not a project. It’s about inviting community members into the decision-making process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate solutions to...
B.C.'s Active Transportation Strategy announced

B.C.'s Active Transportation Strategy announced

The B.C. government announced Move.Commute.Connect., a comprehensive plan to promote active transportation across the province, with a specific goal of doubling the number of trips taken with active transportation by 2030. Recognizing the need to encourage British...
Proposed Kamloops plaza encourages downtown walkability

Proposed Kamloops plaza encourages downtown walkability

Downtown Kamloops may soon need a new map. Following a very successful pilot of the 4th Avenue Pedestrian Plaza last summer, the city published the results of their comprehensive community engagement and outreach process, which gathered community feedback about the...
New Healthy Housing Action Guide now available

New Healthy Housing Action Guide now available

BC Healthy Communities is excited to announce the release of the newest addition to our PlanH Action Guide series: The Healthy Housing Action Guide. The new guide explores ways that communities can bring an equity and health lens to housing policies and includes...