Latest News
Equity in Action: How leaders can champion inclusive policymaking
Application of an Equity Lens using the Equity Continuum
Webinar video: Equity in action: How leaders can champion inclusive policymaking
Accessibility Planning Through an Equity Lens
BCHC website integrates PlanH program
Webinar video: Climate Change and Well-being: Building Resilience Through Social Connectedness
Creating Healthy Public Policy Webinar – Navigating the Public Policy Pathway
The importance of using an equity lens in age-friendly communities planning
Local and Indigenous governments across B.C. receive grants and capacity-building supports to develop age-friendly communities
On-demand Webinar: Local Government Leaders Speaker Series – Equitable Extreme Heat Planning
About Us
BC Healthy Communities is a province-wide not-for-profit organization that facilitates the ongoing development of healthy, thriving and resilient communities. We provide a range of resources, programs, funding and fee-for-service offerings that support multi-sectoral groups to collaborate around a shared vision for a common purpose.
Our Services
We offer a range of services that reflect our interdisciplinary team’s expertise in planning, public health, and community engagement. Our service model is not linear – rather, it reflects the continuous process of improving and strengthening community health and well-being through policy and programs.
Our Programs
The goal of the pilot is to support more students to walk, bike and scoot to and from school.The pilot will test adapted materials from existing evidence-based Active School Travel Programs in a small cohort of B.C. school communities.