Provides information on numerous topics related to Aboriginal Peoples including social programs, employment, and arts and culture. First Nation Community Profiles containing census information and administrative statistics are available, as are a variety of...
Provides background information on issues faced by immigrants and refugees, such as looking for work, learning English, and settling in Canada. – Multilingual Orientation Service Association for Immigrant Communities (MOSAIC)
SPARC BC has produced a series of reports on how communities and private companies have done diversity training, recruitment, and other measures related to diversity and inclusion within their organizations. The cities of Abbotsford and Vancouver are the communities...
Provides information on anti-racism policies, outreach, hiring and supporting multicultural staff, and successful multicultural community development. – Pacific Immigrant Resources Society (PIRS) and Community Partnerships and Development Services...
Describes the planning process of creating anti-racism and anti-discrimination initiatives for communities, including activities such as data collection, raising awareness, bylaw and policy development and review. – Ontario Human Rights Commission
Provides examples of policies and programs that communities in Canada have undertaken to discourage racism and encourage diversity through employment practices, employee training, service provision, and business practices. – Creative City
Describes definitions of discrimination, types of discrimination (e.g., discrimination in employment), and the process for discrimination complaints. The Human Rights Code governs anti-discrimination policy in British Columbia. – Province of BC
Provides information on the importance of welcoming communities, the role of local governments and the steps they can take to create welcoming communities, and community examples. A list of resources, tools, and links are also provided within the toolkit. – Alberta...
Provides factors that are critical to successful relationships between local governments and First Nations, including some success stories. – Provincial/Territorial Senior Officials of Local Government Committee