BC Co-Op Housing website offers education and information about co-op housing and their membership benefits such as governance support and shared services which may be particularly useful in isolated rural communities. – Co-op Housing Federation of...
BCNPHA and registry offers a variety of programs and services to non-profit housing societies to support and strengthen the capacity of the sector, from group insurance and property management, to energy efficiency and capital planning. – BC Non-Profit Housing...
CMHC offers numerous resources about building and design, green building, affordable and accessible housing development. – Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation
The Rural Health Information Hub provides short, accessible, evidence based descriptions of a range of models, innovations and initiatives. Use this as a stepping off point to dig deeper or adapt the innovation into your own community. – Rural Health Information...
The Salt Spring Ag Alliance was founded by five key food stakeholders on the Island. Together they have developed a community abbattoir, and a produce centre is on the way. Their story illustrates what is possible in small places through formal partnerships. –...
Food Secure Canada is a pan-Canadian alliance working to advance food security and food sovereignty through three goals: zero hunger, healthy and safe food, and sustainable food systems. Their resources cover health, food justice, business, school programs including...
FarmFolk CityFolk is a not for profit society that works to cultivate a local, sustainable food systems in BC. A resource for community projects around access and protection of foodlands; supporting local growers and producers; and celebrating of local food. –...
The Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC) is a non-partisan, charitable organization with a focus on accessibility, community development, income security and social planning. This link takes you to their Social Inclusion Toolkits and Manuals. –...
A variety of research papers and tested resources can be found on this website covering topics from resource towns in transition to rural age friendly needs assessments, communication strategies and youth/seniors inclusion resources. – University of Northern...
A great collection of resources from the BC Food Security Gateway, such as toolkits, policy papers, and action plans specific to BC. The resource section also includes a small number of non-BC resources that have direct relevance to BC food security. Find it...