BC Smoking Cessation Program

BC Smoking Cessation Program

Helps individuals to stop smoking or using other tobacco products by assisting with the cost of smoking cessation aids. – Ministry of Health


Free workplace wellness program that offers employers resources and support to create a tobacco-free workplace. – Canadian Cancer Society British Columbia and Yukon and Province of British Columbia’s Healthy Families BC Initiative
Smoke-Free Housing BC

Smoke-Free Housing BC

Online resource for tenants, landlords, and strata councils to promote smoke-free living. – Smoke-Free Housing BC


Offers telephone, web, or text support to help smokers quit; list of local support services. – BC Lung Association
P.A.R.T.Y. program

P.A.R.T.Y. program

This program provides increase awareness and education of the issue of injury prevention and high-risk activities including transportation, sport, recreation and drug and alcohol use. ­– P.A.R.T.Y. (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth)