Satisfied customers focus their spending power where they have a long-term relationship. Older adults tend to be loyal customers. If your business is age-friendly, you can attract and keep customers within a large, and expanding, demographic. Over 650,000 British...
A comprehensive guide for planning and developing your own community investment fund based on the experience of the Vancouver Island Community Investment Fund. See also Unleashing Local Capital for a distinctly rural example. – Sarah Amyot
Social Enterprises and Co-ops (businesses owned by a non-profit) are tools for the provision of health services, employment and training or other non-profit missions. The guide walks you through each stage of the development path with many useful worksheets and...
This is a short primer on social enterprise with illustrated examples from across BC. Social enterprise is introduced as a tool to address community challenges in employment, culture, environment, healthcare and poverty. – Enterprising Non-Profits...
From Need to Opportunity is a social enterprise guide by and for rural communities in Ontario. This guide walks through the steps from what is a social enterprise to feasibility work, business planning and financing. – Social Enterprise Rural Alliance
A variety of research papers and tested resources can be found on this website covering topics from resource towns in transition to rural age friendly needs assessments, communication strategies and youth/seniors inclusion resources. – University of Northern...
Vancouver – Saying it is important for the City of Vancouver to show leadership on reducing inequality, Mayor Gregor Robertson is bringing forward a motion to City Council this week calling on the City to become a living wage employer. Noting that Vancouver...
Poverty not only affects a person’s ability to meet basic needs, but also restricts their opportunity to participate fully and with dignity in our society. In turn, this impacts the entire community. In Revelstoke, the affordability (or Market Basket Measure [MBM])...
Provides information on community economic development, events and learning opportunities, and reports and publications. There is a regional BC/Yukon network. – The Canadian CED (Community Economic Development) Network
Describes the work of the Vibrant Communities program in 12 communities across Canada (including 3 in British Columbia). – Tamarack – An Institute for Community Engagement