Do you want to take part in an evaluation of the Healthy Families BC – Communities initiative, be recognized as an age-friendly community, or be inspired by great local planning projects? Find out how by reading the latest PlanH eNews.
This E-News edition includes two Success Stories, events for local governments, workshop summaries, and an update from the Healthy Communities Capacity Building Grant.
Offers tips for municipalities and individuals about building and maintaining social relationships. – Yukon Territorial Government Health and Social Services
Volunteer BC is a provincial non-profit organization that promotes volunteerism and has over 30 volunteer centres throughout the province. Local government staff can encourage local residents to engage in volunteer opportunities within communities by contacting local...
Provides tools and ideas for local governments and communities to host a range of Neighbours Day activities.. – Reseau de Quebec de Villes et Villages en Santé
Describes projects about connections and engagement, including a series of mini-reports and a full report from a survey of Metro Vancouver residents. – Vancouver Foundation
Provides resources on social inclusion and belonging, and exercises that can help in building a sense of belonging and welcoming. – SPARC BC (Social Planning and Research Council of BC) and BC Recreation and Parks Association (2006)
Describes plans of action for volunteering, success stories of municipalities with volunteers, resources, and the importance of volunteers. – PAVRO (Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resources – Ontario), Parks and Recreation Ontario, Ontario Provincial...