What Makes us Get Sick? Look Upstream

Rishi Manchanda has worked as a doctor in South Central Los Angeles for a decade, where he’s come to realize: His job isn’t just about treating a patient’s symptoms, but about getting to the root cause of what is making them ill—the “upstream” factors that can...
PlanH Regional Forums

PlanH Regional Forums

PlanH partnered with each health authority on a series of five forums taking place in each region to take stock of: the impacts of collaborative efforts between local governments, health authorities, and other community partners; the key factors that are enabling this...
BC Community Road Safety Toolkit

BC Community Road Safety Toolkit

The B.C. Community Road Safety Toolkit is an easily-accessible and electronically-searchable knowledge source about road safety designs and strategies that local governments can implement to improve road safety outcomes. The origin of the B.C. Community Road Safety...
New PlanH Video:  Vancouver's Collaborative Healthy City Strategy

New PlanH Video: Vancouver's Collaborative Healthy City Strategy

We are pleased to present our latest PlanH short video. This time, we are highlighting the powerful work being done on the City of Vancouver’s ‘A Healthy City For All’ strategy, an integrated, multi-sectoral approach to collaboration towards a healthier city....
Nelson at its Best website

Nelson at its Best website

The aim of Nelson at its best is to help residents, businesses and community leaders develop a long-term strategy to reduce poverty and make their community the best place it can be.
Interior Healthy Communities Forum

Interior Healthy Communities Forum

Healthy community building happens in many different types of organizations and is fostered in a variety of professional contexts. That’s why bringing together multiple sectors to share insights in their collective journey can help address key health and well-being...
PlanH Video:  School Travel Planning in the Comox Valley

PlanH Video: School Travel Planning in the Comox Valley

We are pleased to present another new PlanH short video.  This time we’re highlighting the important work being done around the Collaborative School Travel Planning initiative in the Comox Valley. This initiative supports families to consistently choose active...