Infrastructure Canada’s Funding Program

A variety of funds available for infrastructure to support public transit, clean water, climate innovations, municipal assets, etc. Applications accepted throughout the year.

Kal’s RePlay Fund

This fund is designed to help cover the cost of recycled rubber products made from scrap tires in Canada. These recycled rubber products can be used for a variety of items such as playground surfaces, flooring, landscape tiles, paving, garden mulch and kid’s play...

Environment Canada Environmental Damages Fund

The EDF provides a mechanism for directing funds received as a result of fines, court orders, and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit our natural environment, following the Polluter Pays Principle. Awards are used to fund projects that focus on...

BC Clean Energy Projects

This document is an overview of funding opportunities for energy efficiency and clean energy projects for Local Governments and First Nations in British Columbia. Up to date as of November, 2020.