This program provides increase awareness and education of the issue of injury prevention and high-risk activities including transportation, sport, recreation and drug and alcohol use. – P.A.R.T.Y. (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth)
This is a two-year project within Healthy Minds/Healthy Campuses that will develop local capacity at BC’s campuses and a provincial support infrastructure towards changing the culture of substance use, including alcohol. – University of Victoria – Canadian...
Monthly in-store campaigns raise awareness of the risks of alcohol, topics include alcohol and pregnancy, and Get Home Safe programs, which give beer and wine festival organizers the opportunity to distribute free public transit tickets to festival patrons. – BC...
BC’s mandatory self-study course that educates licensees, managers and servers about their legal responsibilities when serving alcohol, and provides effective techniques to prevent problems related to over-service. – Serving it Right
CARBC has produced a number of resources to support local governments to tackle problem drinking and promote a culture of moderation. – University of Victoria Centre for Addictions Research BC
Local and provincial partners have developed a coordinated approach to the prevention and response to FASD. More information can be found in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Building on Strengths. – BC Ministry of Children and Family Development
‘Life Starts Now!’ describes dry grad planning from start to finish, incorporating ideas and suggestions for success from previous dry grad organizers, and information on specific BC legislation relevant to dry grad planning. – BC Confederation of Parent...