Features research focusing on impact of the physical environment, specifically focuse on children’s development – E. Maibach, M. Nisbet, and M. Weathers
Guides municipalities to engage community discussion on climate change and identifies how to overcome challenges. Identifies health as part of the conversation. – ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (International Council for Local Environmental...
Highlights what has been learned about strengthening cohesion and capacity of neighbourhoods to respond to climate, resource, and economic challenges in the future. – Transition Victoria, Smart Planning for Communities, Community Social Planning Council and The...
Outlines processes, capacities, and approaches that can achieve mutually beneficial goals in addressing chronic disease prevention and climate change. – BC Healthy Communities
Provides information directly relevant to local governments and water managers. BC’s water plan sets the direction for changes to water management and water use. – Province of BC
Provides informational support local government in taking local action on climate change issues and projects, with many complementary resources to help communities be healthy and sustainable. Offers many publication resources that can be downloaded for free. – The...
Outlines BC water legislation at all levels of government and provides a comprehensive list of hyperlinks to BC water resources. – Fraser Basin Council