A place to call our own: The connection between community well-being and placemaking

A place to call our own: The connection between community well-being and placemaking

Place affects our health in multiple, powerful ways. In fact, it’s now known that the majority of individual health outcomes actually depend on the environment that we live in, rather than our genetic makeup (Raphael, 2009). However, not all spaces have been created equitably. This equitable making of place is essential to both individual and community health. Placemaking is one way in which individuals and communities are attempting to strengthen their connection to place and the appropriateness of it.

Creating Age-Friendly Communities from the Ground Up

Creating Age-Friendly Communities from the Ground Up

Did you know that 7 out of the 10 Canadian municipalities with the largest portion of seniors are located in B.C.? As a result, more communities are exploring what it means to become age-friendly, supporting all stages, from childhood through to later years....
Focus on equity and health: Making the most of the Housing Needs Report process

Focus on equity and health: Making the most of the Housing Needs Report process

The province recently introduced legislation to make housing needs reports (HNRs) mandatory for local governments. These reports, intended to better support planning for housing affordability, will be required every five years. The good news is that funding comes attached to this legislation—$5 million over 3 years. This funding presents a fantastic opportunity to communities to engage in an assessment that looks at more than just the numbers, instead prioritizing equity, health, diversity and engagement. Read on to learn more about what a traditional housing needs assessment entails, and how a health-focused assessment can make for a stronger, and ultimately more useful analysis.

Four ways local governments can support mental health through community design

Four ways local governments can support mental health through community design

Characteristics of the built environment in which community members live, work, play, and learn have an impact on mental health. Community design decisions made today can have lasting impacts on your community, creating elements that will influence mental health for years to come. In this article, we’ve presented four potential methods by which local governments can promote mental and social wellness when designing the built environment of their community.

Two Grant Opportunities Available for Local Governments

Two Grant Opportunities Available for Local Governments

These granting opportunities have recently closed, but a new funding stream will be opening in September! Stay up to date with our latest grant offerings by subscribing to our eNews or following us on Facebook or Twitter. Looking for more funding opportunities? Check...
What is a Healthy City Strategy?

What is a Healthy City Strategy?

All policies—even those that don’t directly deal with health—have the ability to enhance or hinder your community’s health and well-being. As a local government, it’s easy to think of health as being outside your mandate, strictly speaking. However, policies made by local governments in the areas of transportation, land use and community planning, housing, and more affect the social determinants of health, a spectrum of factors such as physical environments, social support networks, and healthy child development. This means that, with each policy decision a local government makes, they either enhance or deteriorate the health of their citizens. It’s a huge responsibility, and for local governments, its fundamental importance in the lives of community members means it’s one that simply can’t be ignored.