Doing the right thing: lessons learned from IAP2

Doing the right thing: lessons learned from IAP2

A few weeks ago, our Communications Manager Johanna and I had the good fortune of attending a public participation (P2) training put on by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). We met dozens of P2 and community engagement professionals from around Canada advocating for public input in a variety of sectors and projects. Community engagement is a pillar of Healthy Communities work, reinforcing a ‘whole of community’ approach involving individuals, communities, governments, and other entities in policy and decision making.

Public Health Association of B.C. hosts its 10th annual Summer School

In 2019 the Public Health Association of B.C. (PHABC) boasted its largest Summer School turnout to date, with nearly 200 people in attendance across the western Canadian board. The event, which was held July 4–5, brought together health care professionals to help introduce them to new concepts and themes surrounding public health. Comprised of keynote speakers, presentations and workshops that bring concepts into practice, Summer School equips attendees with learnings that they can  practically apply in the public health workplace. The theme this year for the two-day event was Simplifying Complexity, Public Health Approaches and Practice in Complex Systems, which involved adaptive systems and how they can inform population-level intervention. Representatives from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Yukon were all remotely present during the presentations.

Five take-home messages from B.C.’s first Active Transportation Summit

Five take-home messages from B.C.’s first Active Transportation Summit

We were thrilled to visit New Westminster to attend B.C.’s first Active Transportation Summit in June 2019. The two-day summit featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, interactive workshops and presentations focused on expanding our ways of thinking about active transportation and learning from initiatives across B.C. Our summer practicum student, Alexis Erlichman, describes some of her most important takeaways when it comes to creating active transportation for all.

Evaluating with an open mind and a humble heart: Reflections from the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference

Evaluating with an open mind and a humble heart: Reflections from the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference

How can be humbler and more open-minded? In evaluation we are taught to measure success and outcomes, tracking indicators over time using ‘evidence-based, Western’ methodologies. The focus in evaluation is on the external. Yet, I’m realizing more than ever, that we must look inwards and undergo a process of self-reflection in order to understand personal and systemic biases that we each have. We need to humbly acknowledge that we are learners, especially when it comes to understanding another’s experience. We should not just do this as evaluators, but as members of this society and as human beings.